Mark Craven

Position title: Professor


Phone: Phone: 608-265-6181

Medical Sciences Center Room 4775A
1300 University Ave
Madison, WI 53706

Research Interests
The focus of my research program is to develop and apply machine-learning methods to the problems of inferring models of, and reasoning about, networks of interactions among genes, proteins, metabolites, environmental factors and phenotypes. Current projects in my group are focused on (i) learning models of genotype-phenotype associations, (ii) learning to map unstructured metadata to structured, ontology-based representations, (iii) developing methods for extracting interpretable descriptions of learned models, (iv) developing methods for elucidating host-virus interactions, and (v) modeling complex disease trajectories.
UW-Madison Affiliation
Affiliate Faculty, Department of Computer Sciences; Computer Data & Information Sciences; College of Letters and Science