Michael A. Newton

Position title: Department Chair and Professor

Email: newton@biostat.wisc.edu

Phone: 608-263-0357

WARF Office Building, Room 203
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53726

Research Interests:
My research concerns statistical inference problems from the biological sciences, especially the use and development of stochastic models, nonparametric and empirical Bayesian methods, and high-dimensional inference. In addition to research on data-science methodology, I work extensively in collaborative projects, especially where the analysis of high-dimensional molecular, genetic, or genomic measurements is required. I enjoy the challenge of applying effective statistical methods to potentially complex experimental settings, to formulating statistical theory questions that recur in this domain, and generally to advancing biomedical science using statistics. I have made contributions to the statistics of transcript analysis, gene-set enrichment, T-cell repertoire analysis, and peptide-array analysis, for example, and have had the good fortune to collaborate with many investigators in clinical and basic departments throughout the SMPH.
Michael Newton