Mondays, 2:45-4:15, 1220 HSLC
| Date | Time | Location | Topic
| Tue 1 June | 9:00-10:00am | 1220 HSLC | Introduction to course project; form groups
| Mon 7 June | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Cirulli ET, Goldstein DB (2010) Uncovering the roles of rare variants in common disease through whole-genome sequencing. Nat Rev Genet 11:415-425 | [PubMed | at journal | pdf]
| Mon 14 June | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Gorlov et al. (2008) Shifting paradigm of association studies: value of rare single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Am J Hum Genet 82:100-112 | [PubMed | pdf] Morris AP, Zeggini E (2010) An evaluation of statistical approaches to rare variant analysis in genetic association studies. Genet Epidemiol 34:188-193 | [PubMed | pdf] Li B, Leal SM (2008) Methods for detecting associations with rare variants for common diseases: application to analysis of sequence data. Am J Hum Genet 83:311-321 | [PubMed | pdf] Li et al. (2010) Approaches for evaluating rare polymorphisms in genetic association studies. Hum Hered 69:219-228 | [PubMed | pdf]
| Mon 21 June | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Garrigan D, Hammer MF (2006) Reconstructing human origins in the genomic era. Nat Rev Genet 7:669-80 | [PubMed | pdf]
| Mon 28 June | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Discussion of analysis ideas (5-7 min per group)
| Mon 5 July |
| No class
| Mon 12 July |
| No class
| Mon 19 July |
| No class
| Mon 26 July | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Relevant paper: Clark AG (2004) The role of haplotypes in candidate gene studies. Genet Epidemiol 27:321-333 [PubMed | pdf]
| Mon 2 August | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Mon 9 August | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| Mon 16 August | 2:45-4:15pm | 1222 HSLC
| Mon 23 August | 2:45-4:15pm | 1220 HSLC
| |
Links: | GAW web site |
1000 genomes web site | |
Email from 16 July regarding GAW 17 data, etc. | |
README file from data CD | |
Note regarding data CD | |
GAW17 wiki discussion forum |
Head instructor: | Corinne Engelman Department of Population Health Sciences 1007A WARF 608-265-5491 cengleman at wisc dot edu |
Co-instructors: | Karl Broman Department of Biostatistics & Medical Informatics 4710 MSC 608-262-4633 kbroman at biostat dot wisc dot edu |
Bret Payseur Laboratory of Genetics 2428 Genetic-Biotechnology Center 608-890-0867 payseur at wisc dot edu | |
Kristin Meyers Department of Population Health Sciences 1007C WARF kjmeyers2 at wisc dot edu |
Web maintainer: Karl Broman | Last modified: Mon Aug 16 14:56:29 2010 |