
EBarrays: Identification of genes differentially expressed across two or more conditions in a microarray experiment

EB-HMM: Identification of genes differentially expressed across two or more conditions over time in a microarray experiment

GSCA: Identification of differentially co-expressed gene sets

EBcoexpress: Identification of differentially co-expressed gene pairs

EBSeq: Identification of genes and/or isoforms differentially expressed in an RNA-seq experiment

EBSeq-HMM: Identification of genes and/or isoforms differentially expressed over time in an RNA-seq experiment

Oscope: Identification and characterization of oscillatory genes in a snapshot single-cell RNA-seq experiment

scDD: Identification of differentially distributed genes in single-cell RNA-seq experiments

SCnorm: Normalization of data from Fluidigm single-cell RNA-seq experiments