Course Overview
The primary goal of this course is to teach students algorithms for problems such as: modeling sequence classes and features, multiomics analysis, gene discovery, network biology, applied machine learning, and single-cell genomic analysis.
This class will provide students with a strong background for conducting their own bioinformatics research.
The official prerequisite is Introduction
to Bioinformatics (BMI/CS 576). Ideally, students would be familiar with basic
concepts from cell biology/genetics (e.g. genes, transcriptional regulation, cell
cycle, etc.) and computer science/machine learning (e.g. dynamic programming, graph
algorithms, clustering, etc.). Python programming will be used. No student will have the perfect background, therefore
it is critical that students ask for clarification in class when they are
unfamiliar with biological or computational concepts..
Grading criteria
- Homework: ~40%
- Midterm exam: ~15%
- Final exam: ~15%
- Project: ~25%
- Participation: ~5%
Please note that information on homework and the project can be found on the
Homework and Project page. Students' participation will be assessed
based on their completion of the assigned readings and their questions and
comments in class and on the Piazza forum.
The course's Canvas site is used for grading and virtual lectures. Course content is posted on
this site, and assignments are submitted through the biostat web server.
To access the biostat web server remotely, please ensure you have access to the Wisc VPN.
Academic misconduct
Please note that homework, projects, and exams are to be completed individually. Students are welcome
to discuss concepts with their peers but not specific solutions to homework problems.
If students have doubts about the policy they should ask the instructor or
use the Piazza forum for clarification on a topic or assignment. Plagiarism -
including using text, images, or code without attribution - and cheating will not
be tolerated and will be dealt with in accordance with the
Academic Misconduct
Accommodations for Disabilities
Please share appropriate information from the McBurney Disability Resource Center if you need accommodations for the exams and/or classes.